
CEO, Chad Entinger
Deaf Missions
Deaf Missions enthusiastically endorses the Hong Kong Sign Language Bible Translation Association. Their purpose and vision is so critical in breaking down communication and language barriers so that Deaf people may have access and opportunities to understand God’s Word in their native, heart language – sign language. Their work will overcome serious gaps between the Christian community and the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community in terms of language, culture, outreach and accessibility. We are excited to see what God will do through HKSLBTA as they reach Deaf people in Hong Kong with the Gospel of Jesus! We wholeheartedly encourage you will get behind HKSLBTA and their efforts!

City Pastor, Pastor Stephen
Saddleback Church
Jesus commanded us to love our neighbour, the Deaf Community is our neighbour which we will not ignore. I would be committed in empowering, showing potential and providing resources for Deaf Ministry, equipping Deaf Christians to work for the kingdom of God and for the Deaf Ministry of HKSLBTA and Saddleback Hong Kong.

Senior Pastor, Brett Hilliard
Island ECC
I wholeheartedly support the ministry of HKSLBTA and can provide a resounding shout of approval for this much-needed ministry. With a growing number of people in the deaf
community, this is an urgent and strategic initiative to bring the gospel ministry to this underserved population.
Personally, I have known Albert Liang for 15 years or more, and can attest to his strong work ethic, vibrant faith, and cooperative spirit. Through Albert and other deaf friends, I have learned a lot about the unique cultural challenges they face, and consider it a great privilege to partner with them in ministering to this community. Though I've known Jenny Lam for a shorter period of time, she too is exemplary in her love and devotion to this great cause.
I truly hope that this segment of society be impacted for the gospel, but also that they will receive the attention and dignity that they rightly deserve, and is long overdue.
Together for the gospel,

Centre-in-charge, Wendy Mak
Y’s Men’s Centre for the Deaf
I wholeheartedly support the ministry of HKSLBTA. With a growing number of people in the deaf community, there are serious and wide gaps between the Christian community and Deaf & Hard of Hearing community in terms of language, culture, outreach, and accessibility. This is an urgent and strategic initiative to bring the gospel ministry to this underserved population. I truly hope that this segment of society is impacted by the gospel, but also that they will receive the attention and dignity that they rightly deserve, and is long overdue. I can provide a resounding shout of approval for this much-needed ministry.

General Manager, Lam Ho Yin
CBN 視博恩香港
It is my great honor to take part in HKSLBTA ministry. It is definitely a blessed work and could bridge community of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. I will try my best effort to help them to overcome the obstacles to access to GOD.

Associate Professor cum Associate Head of School of Psychology, Susanna Wong Ip Chung Ping
Gratia Christian College
I sincerely appreciate the passion and dedication of the Hong Kong Sign Language Bible Translation Association to reach out to the forgotten population of the Deaf. Living without the ability to communicate with the external world, this population is often left with loneliness and despair. This work on translating the Bible enough about the immense joy and blessing that the people of this population will enjoy with the work Bible sign language brings. I have witnessed a very caring community is building around this group of people. They often come together to work, to fellowship and to support each other. Their joy is contagious even though I don't understand sign language.

Comic Illustrator, Comic Trainer, Cheung Man Wai
Capstone Workshop

President, Dr Agnes Liu Tat Fong
Jubilee Ministries 禧福協會
耶穌吩咐我們使萬民作祂的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗(或作:給他們施洗,歸於父、子、聖靈的名) 。 凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。太28:19-20

Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Peter Lam
E.F.C.C. Kong Fok Church 中國基督教播道會港福堂
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