We follow and serve Christ. He will empower and equip us to do all He calls us to do on HKSL Bible translation.
(Chronicles 25:8 )
We respect God and each other, honoring our Creator and all that He has made.
(Thessalonians 5:13)
We strive to be faithful to God in all of our work on HKSL Bible translation and to follow His Will in Deaf ministry.
(Matthew 21:21)
Our goal is to be completely humble – doing nothing out of selfish ambition – patiently bearing with each other in love.
(Peter 3:8)
香港手語聖經翻譯協會Hong Kong Sign Language Bible Translation Association
WhatsApp: (852) 5514 3830│ Email: hkslbta@gmail.com │Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKSLBTA
© 香 港 手 語 聖 經 翻 譯 協 會 2020 All rights reserved