We know that God is the Author of all creativity and we desire to express His creative excellence in all we do.
(Romans 12:1-2)
Accountability is an essential part of living and working as a community of believers, united in faith and mission.
(Titus 1:3)
We are an organization that values the perspectives and insight of Deaf culture inside and outside the Deaf Community.
(Romans 1:16-17)
God has called us to be wise stewards of the HKSL Bible translation resources He has given us, so we can further His Kingdom.
(John 14:12)
香港手語聖經翻譯協會Hong Kong Sign Language Bible Translation Association
WhatsApp: (852) 5514 3830 │ Email: hkslbta@gmail.com │Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HKSLBTA
© 香 港 手 語 聖 經 翻 譯 協 會 2020 All rights reserved